miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Jobs: List of occupations.

How do you ask someone for her or his occpuation?

We can ask in different ways. We are going to review three main questions:

1) What do you do? (conversational)
2) What do you do for a living? (conversational)
3) What’s your occupation? (information)

You can use any of these questions. The only difference is that number 1 and 2 and more common in conversations and number 3 is more for information such as when you fill in a form.

Articles a/an

Remember that when we answer these questions we have to use a/an before the occupation when it is SINGULAR. Remember to use an before vowels or vowel sounds.

What do you do for a living?
- I’m
a teacher.

What’s Maria’s occupation?
- She is
an engineer.

When we talk about plural occupat¡ons we DO NOT use a/an and we use the plural form of the occupations.

What do they do?
-They are

1. pharmacist - farmacéutico.
2. mechanic – mecánico
3. barber – peluquero
4. travel agent – agente de viajes
5. repairperson – técnico de reparaciones
6. tailor – costurero/sastre
7. greengrocer – verdulera
8. baker – panadero
9. optician – oculista/óptico
10. hairdresser – estilista
11. florist – florista
12. jeweller – joyero(a)
13. butcher – carnicero

A) Repair and Maintenance / Matenimiento y reparación

1. plumber – plomera
2. carpenter – carpintero
3. gardener – jardinero
4. locksmith – cerrajero
5. real estate agent – agente de bienes raíces
6. electrician – electricista
7. painter – pintor

B) Household Serivice / Servicios domésticos

8. housekeeper/maid – ama de llaves
9. janitor – empleado de limpieza
10. delivery boy – mensajero
11. doorman – portero

C) Factory Work / Trabajo en fábrica

12. shop worker – operario
13. foreman – capataz

A) Media and Arts – Medios de comunicación y las artes
1. weather forecaster – pronosticador del tiempo
2. newscaster – locutor de noticiero
3. artist – artista
4. photographer – fotógrafo
5. model – modelo
6. fashion designer – diseñador de moda
7. writer – escritor
8. architect – arquitecto
9. disc jockey
10. cameraperson – camarógrafo
11. reporter – reportero
12. salesperson – vendedor

B) Banking – En el banco
13. officer – oficial
14. security guard – guardia de seguridad
15. teller – cajero

C) Business Workers – Empleados de negocios
16. computer programmer – programador de computadora
17. receptionist – recepcionista
18. accountant – contador
19 messenger – mensajero

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