miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010
Aquí iremos subiendo los sucesivos episodios:
Present Simple (Action Verbs)
to play -------- play / plays
to study ------ study / studies
to wrtie------- write / writes
So => he, she, it go with the "s" form and I, you, we, they with the simple form.
Miguel watches tv everyday => He watches
My parents live in Lima => They live
I like dancing
You can make any positive sentence now. Suppose you want to say : " Mi mama quiere pizza"
Go to the dictionary what is "querer" en ingles => to want
My mother wants pizza => why wants? because my mother = she.
Notas del profesor:
Como ven las conjugaciones de los verbos son solo 2 : Una con "s" y la otra sin "s". Esto debería ser mas fácil pues en español tenemos :
Verbo Jugar
Yo - Juego
Tu - juegas
ellos ellas ustedes - juegan
vosotros/vosotras- jugáis
Recuerden de ponerle la "s" cuando corresponda a la tercera persona singular.
My mother cooks everyday | My father works at night | My sister always studies
He / she / it + doesn't + infinitive (work)
+ Maria plays tennis every morning
- Maria doesn't play tennis
+ Juan works for a very important company.
- Juan doesn't work.
+ My parents live in France
- My parents (they) don't live in France.
+ I like to study English.
- I don't like to study English
REMEMBER: We do NOT use don't and doesn't with THE TO BE VERB
+ Patty is my sister
- She ISN'T my sister.
Notas del profesor:
Como ven las conjugaciones de los verbos en negativo son solo 2 :
EL don't y el doesn't son auxiliares. Es decir, ayudan a los verbos (QUE NO SEAN TO BE).
Por ejemplo.
+ My father works for IBM.
- My father doesn't work for IBM
>>> Vemos que cuando se usa el doesn't ya no se le pone la "s" a el verbo (work). Esto es porque esta el auxiliar y le ayuda. En otras palabras, cuando pongan el negativo a verbos en presente simple que no sean to be, el que se conjuga son los verbos auxiliares (don't and doesn't) y no el verbo en si.
Question structure
DO + I / you / they / we
(+) Maria cooks in the afternoons
(-) Maria doesn't cook in the afternoons
(?) When does Maria cook?
(+) Juan has lunch at 12:30.
(-) Juan doesn't have lunch at 12:30.
(?) Does Juan have lunch at 12:30?
(+) You play soccer very well.
(-) You don't play soccer very well.
(?) Do you play play soccer very well?
(+) My friends like dancing.
(-) They don't like dancing
(?) Do they like dancing?
¿Cuando uso do and does?
- Se usa do en does en preguntas y en negativos (don't / doesn't) en el present simple siempre y cuando no sean verbos to be.
¿Cuando pongo la "s" en los verbos?
- Se le agrega la "s" cuando formen verbos en positivo en el present simple con verbos que no sean to be y que el sujeto sea la 3ra persona singular (HE, SHE, IT)
¿Que no sea to be? ¿A que te refieres?
- El verbo to be es ser o estar. Cuando utilizes estos 2 verbos en el present simple no se utiliza los auxiliares do y does. El verbo to be es mas simple pues solo se le agrega el NOT para negativo y para preguntas se invierte el verbo con el sujeto:
She is pretty ----- She is NOT pretty -------- Is she pretty?
Los verbos que no son to be pues son todos aquellos que no son ser y estar (work, smoke, play, sleep.... ETC ETC)
Ver clase del present simple con el verbo to be
¿Cuando utilizo el present simple?
- Para describir rutinas, hábito, hechos (water boils at 100 degress celcious - el agua hierve a 100), y cosas permanentes. El present simple no se utiliza para describir cosas que pasan en el momento.
Simple Present Tense - verb to be
Simple present tense (to be)
Nota: El verbo to be es solo un verbo en el ingles (ser o estar). Este post tocara solo el verbo to be.
to be = infinitive (verbo en bruto/ ser o estar)
Conjugaciones = am / is / are
I - am = I'm
he/she/it - is = he's, she's, it's
we/you/they - are = we're, you're they'e
This is the list and form of to be with the pronouns.
Max is a great student (is because Max is pronoun he) => He's a great student.
My father and brother are in Las Vegas (are because father and brother is pronoun they)
Question Form
To form questions we change the Subject and verb position.
Is he your father?
Is she your sister?
Is it your dog?
Are you students?
We can put question words (QW) before this order.
QW = who, where, what, when, how long ... etc.
Where is your girlfriend? What time is it? When is your birthday?
When are your brothers here?
Negative form
To form the negative (-) form just add not to the to be conjugation (am, is, are)
I'm not ------he, she, it + isn't (is+not) ------------we, you they + aren't (are+not)
I am not ------he's, she's, it's + not ----------we're, you're, they're + not
Lima isn't in the Andes -- You aren't a nice person --- Shakira isn't Peruvian
Verbos comunes en el mundo de los negocios.
Hoy les traemos una lista de los verbos mas comunes en situaciones de negocio o de trabajo.
Recomiendo imprimir esta lista y tenerla a la mano para que puedan usar estos verbos. Muchos alumnos quieren aprender vocabulario pero de nada siver no incorporarlo en nuestras conversaciones e interacciones con los demas.
Cuantas veces nos quedamos frustrados al no tener la palabra en mente al querer expresarnos. Bueno, les dejo aca un link para que pueden bajar esta lista.
English | Spanish |
accept | aceptar |
achieve | lograr algo |
add | añadir /aumentar/ sumar |
admit | admitir |
advertise | hacer publicidad |
advise | aconsejar |
approve | aprobar |
authorize | autorizar |
avoid | evitar |
borrow | pedir prestado |
break | romper |
build | construer |
buy | comprar |
calculate | calcular |
call | llamar |
cancel | cancelar |
change | cambiar |
charge for | cobrar por algo |
check | revisar / checar |
choose | elegir / escoger |
complain | quejarse |
complete | completar |
confirm | confirmar |
consider | considerar |
convince | Convencer |
count | Contar |
decide | Decidirse |
decrease | Decrecer |
deliver | entregar / repartir / propinar |
develop | Desarrolar |
dismiss | despedir / dejar salir |
dispatch | Despachar / enviar |
distribute | distribuir |
divide | Divider |
drop | dejar caer |
employ | contratar / emplear |
encourage | animar / alentar |
establish | establecer |
estimate | estimar |
exchange | intercambiar |
extend | extender |
fall | caerse |
fix | arreglar / componer |
fund | financiar |
get worse | empeorar |
improve | mejorar |
increase | incrementar |
inform | informar |
install | instalar |
invest | Inverter |
invoice | facturar |
join | unirse |
lend | prestar |
lengthen | alargar |
lower | bajar |
maintain | mantener / conservar en buen estado |
manage | Administrar / dirigir |
measure | medir |
mention | mencionar |
obtain | obtener |
order | ordenar |
organize | Organizer |
owe | deber (a alguien) |
own | tener (demuestra poseción) |
pack | envasar/ empaquetar |
participate | participar |
pay | pagar |
plan | planear |
present | Presenter |
prevent | prevenir |
process | procesar |
produce | Producer |
promise | prometer |
promote | promover |
provide | proveer |
purchase | comprar / adquirir |
raise | levanter / alzar / elevar |
reach | alcanzar |
receive | recibir |
recruit | recrutar |
reduce | Reducer |
refuse | rechazar |
reject | rechazar (igual que “refuse”) |
remind | Recorder |
remove | remover |
reply | Contester |
resign | renunciar / dimitir |
respond | responder |
return | regresar |
rise | subir |
sell | vender |
send | enviar |
separate | separar |
shorten | acortar |
split | partir / divider |
structure | estructurar |
succeed | dar resultado / surtir efecto |
suggest | sugerir |
write | escribir |
vary | Variar |
Describing people
In this lesson we are going to talk about describing people’s appearance. This will be divided in general, height, weight, face & head and age.
Height – Tamaño (Figura 1 a la derecha)
Tall (alto) —— Short (bajo)
medium height (Average height) —— estatura promedio
Look at the figure # 1 –>
How tall is Mary Pimm?
- She’s 1.60 meters tall. She is medium height.
And Tom?
- He’s 1.48 meters tall. He’s very short.
Weight – Peso
Thin/slim —— delgado(a)
Fat / Overweight —— Gordo(a)
Medium weight (average weight)
Figura # 2
Hair- Cabello
Length of hair (Tamano del cabello) – Figura #3
Short —— corto
long —— largo
Wavy —— ondeado
striaght —– lacio
curly —– frizado
Face and head (figura # 4)
Skin color (color de piel)
White /fair —— blanco
Dark / black —— Oscuro / negro
Olive skin —— Piel trigueñ+a
Beard —— barba
moustache —— bigote
Examples (look at the figure):
-Sally has dark skin and black curly hair. (We can also say “Sally is black”)
-Polly has white skin and long straight hair. (We can also say “Polly is white”)
-Billy has a long beard.
- Harry has a mustache.
We can use the verb to have to describe skin color, to say if a person has a beard or mustache and to describe hair.
- Will Smith has dark skin
- My father has a long beard
Jobs: List of occupations.
We can ask in different ways. We are going to review three main questions:
1) What do you do? (conversational)
2) What do you do for a living? (conversational)
3) What’s your occupation? (information)
You can use any of these questions. The only difference is that number 1 and 2 and more common in conversations and number 3 is more for information such as when you fill in a form.
Articles a/an
Remember that when we answer these questions we have to use a/an before the occupation when it is SINGULAR. Remember to use an before vowels or vowel sounds.
What do you do for a living?
- I’m a teacher.
What’s Maria’s occupation?
- She is an engineer.
When we talk about plural occupat¡ons we DO NOT use a/an and we use the plural form of the occupations.
What do they do?
-They are actors.
3. barber – peluquero
4. travel agent – agente de viajes
5. repairperson – técnico de reparaciones
6. tailor – costurero/sastre
7. greengrocer – verdulera
8. baker – panadero
9. optician – oculista/óptico
10. hairdresser – estilista
11. florist – florista
12. jeweller – joyero(a)
13. butcher – carnicero
A) Repair and Maintenance / Matenimiento y reparación
1. plumber – plomera
2. carpenter – carpintero
3. gardener – jardinero
4. locksmith – cerrajero
5. real estate agent – agente de bienes raíces
6. electrician – electricista
7. painter – pintor
B) Household Serivice / Servicios domésticos
8. housekeeper/maid – ama de llaves
9. janitor – empleado de limpieza
10. delivery boy – mensajero
11. doorman – portero
C) Factory Work / Trabajo en fábrica
12. shop worker – operario
13. foreman – capataz
A) Media and Arts – Medios de comunicación y las artes
1. weather forecaster – pronosticador del tiempo
2. newscaster – locutor de noticiero
3. artist – artista
4. photographer – fotógrafo
5. model – modelo
6. fashion designer – diseñador de moda
7. writer – escritor
8. architect – arquitecto
9. disc jockey
10. cameraperson – camarógrafo
11. reporter – reportero
12. salesperson – vendedor
B) Banking – En el banco
13. officer – oficial
14. security guard – guardia de seguridad
15. teller – cajero
C) Business Workers – Empleados de negocios
16. computer programmer – programador de computadora
17. receptionist – recepcionista
18. accountant – contador
19 messenger – mensajero
Christmas Vocabulary
Bethlehem | the town where Jesus was born – BELEN |
candle | a cylinder of wax with a central string A solid, usually cylindrical mass of tallow that is burned to provide light. VELA |
chimney | a vertical pipe in a house where Santa Clause come through to leave presents: CHIMENEA |
Christ | another name for Jesus – CRISTO |
Christian | a person who follows and believes in Christ – CRISTIANO |
Christianity | the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ – CRISTIANDAD |
Christmas cake | a rich fruit cake that people eat at Christmas – TORTA/PASTEL de NAVIDAD |
Christmas card | a greetings card that people send to friends and family at Christmas – TARJETA NAVIDEÑA |
Christmas carol | a religious song that people sing at Christmas – VILLANCICOS |
Christmas Eve | the evening before Christmas – NOCHEBUENA |
Christmas holidays | the holiday period; a weerk before and after Christmas – FIESTAS NAVIDEÑAS |
Christmas present | a gift that people give to others at Christmas – REGALOS NAVIDEÑOS |
decoration/ornament | Used for decoration – ADORNOS (navideños) |
egg-nog | a traditional Christmas drink made of alcohol with beaten eggs and milk – PONCHE DE HUEVO (muy común en USA) |
fireplace | a space in a house where people light a fire – DONDE SE PRENDE EL FUEGO QUE VA A LA CHIMENEA |
Joseph | Mary’s husband – JOSE |
manger | used by Mary as bed for Jesus – PESEBRE |
Mary | Jesus’ mother – MARIA |
mistletoe | a plant with white berries, traditionally used as a Christmas ornament or decoration: MUÉRDAGO |
nativity | the birth of a person – NATIVIDAD |
the Nativity | the birth of Jesus Christ – SANTA NATIVIDAD |
nativity play | a play based on the birth of Jesus – PIEZA TEATRAL BASADA EN EL NACIMIENTO DE JESUS |
new year | the start of a year – AÑO NUEVO |
New Year’s Day | the first year of the year, 1 January – DIA DE AÑO NUEVO |
New Year’s Eve | 31 December |
present | a gift – REGALO |
reindeer | a deer that pulls the sleigh for Santa Claus – RENO |
shepherd | a person who looks after sheep -PASTOR |
sleigh | a light cart pulled by a reindeer over snow and ice – TRINEO |
snow | white flakes that covers the ground when it is cold – NIEVE |
star | a bright point in the night sky – ESTRELLA |
the star of Bethlehem | the star that announced the birth of Jesus – ESTRELLA DE BELEN |
turkey | a bird traditionally eaten at Christmas – PAVO |
white Christmas | a Christmas with snow on the ground – BLANCA NAVIDAD |
Xmas![]() | abbreviation or informal term for Christmas – NAVIDADChristmas Expressions – Saludos y buenos deseos